Ar gau
Ofcom own-initiative investigation following assessment of evidence regarding whether Jason Clifford trading as UK Free Software Network ("UKFSN") is a member of an approved Dispute Resolution Scheme
Jason Clifford trading as UK Free Software Network ("UKFSN")
17 Mehefin 2014
11 Awst 2014
Whether UKFSN had complied with its obligations under General Condition 14.5 ("GC14.5") of the General Conditions of Entitlement to implement and comply with a Dispute Resolution Scheme.
GC14.5 concerning implementation and compliance with an Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") scheme
Ofcom has now concluded this investigation.
Since opening this investigation, Ofcom has received confirmation from CISAS (one of the Ofcom approved ADR schemes) that UKFSN is now a member. In light of this, we have decided not to take further action. However, we will continue to monitor UKFSN through the GC14.5 monitoring and enforcement programme, and should we receive any further information that suggests that UKFSN has failed or is failing to comply with its obligations under GC14.5 then we will consider taking further action.
End of update note
Ofcom has opened this investigation following assessment of evidence regarding whether UKFSN is a member of an approved Dispute Resolution Scheme.
Under GC14.5 Communications Providers (CPs) must implement, and comply, with an Ofcom approved independent Dispute Resolution Scheme for their domestic and small business customers, in relation to the provision of public electronic communications services.
Two such Dispute Resolution Schemes have been approved by Ofcom. They are Ombudsman Service: Communications ( and the Communication and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme (CISAS) (
Ofcom’s investigation will examine whether there are reasonable grounds for believing that UKFSN has failed to comply with its obligations under GC14.5.
Enforcement team (