Adroddiadau’r cenhedloedd

Cyhoeddwyd: 17 Rhagfyr 2020

Mae’r adroddiadau hyn yn archwilio argaeledd cyfathrebiadau da ar draws y cenhedloedd.

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

The latest Connected Nations Report for England shows:

  • Fixed and mobile networks in England were able to meet the increased demands placed on them by Covid-19. A shift to people spending more time at home drove increased demand on broadband networks during the day, although the peak remained in the evening. Mobile networks also experienced increases in voice traffic.
  • The number of homes and businesses in England without access to at least decent broadband continues to shrink. Factoring in coverage from both fixed and fixed-wireless networks, we estimate that around 0.5% of premises (119,000) in England are still without a decent broadband connection. These premises may be eligible for a connection under the universal broadband service, with no costs to the customer unless these exceed £3,400.
  • Over 6.1 million homes in England now have access to a gigabit-capable broadband connection – able to deliver download speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s as well as faster upload speeds, and with better reliability than older broadband technologies. Almost 4 million of these homes have access to full fibre – an increase of around 1.6m homes since 2019.
  • Superfast broadband coverage has increased to 96% of homes in England, up from 95% last year.
  • Good mobile services from at least one operator are available outdoors across 97% of England’s landmass but only 84% has coverage from all four operators (up from 81% in 2019). The UK Government’s Shared Rural Network programme, agreed in March 2020, will extend coverage beyond this in the coming years.
  • Across England, 81% of homes and businesses should be able to get good indoor 4G coverage from all operators, falling to 46% in rural areas.
  • We estimate that 19,500 premises in England cannot access either a decent fixed broadband service or get good 4G coverage indoors.
  • The number of towns and cities with 5G coverage in England has increased further, with services largely clustered around the largest cities.

Connected Nations 2020: England (PDF, 2.0 MB)

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

The latest Connected Nations report for Scotland shows that, over the past year:

  • Fixed and mobile networks in Scotland have generally coped well with increased demands during the pandemic. A shift to more people being at home drove increased demand on broadband networks during the day, although peak usage remained in the evening. Mobile networks also experienced increases in voice traffic.
  • Superfast broadband coverage has increased to 94% of homes in Scotland, up from 92% last year. We now estimate that around 57% of premises who are able to get superfast broadband actually take a superfast or faster service.
  • Almost 1.1 million (42%) homes in Scotland have access to a gigabit-capable broadband connection – as well as delivering download speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s, these services offer faster upload speeds and are more reliable than older broadband technologies.Over 437,000 (17%) premises in Scotland now have access to full-fibre broadband – an increase of over 238,000 premises and the highest year-on-year increase seen so far.
  • The number of premises in Scotland without access to at least decent broadband continues to shrink. Factoring in coverage from both fixed and fixed-wireless networks, we estimate that around 34,000 (1.2%) premises in Scotland are still without a decent broadband connection. These properties may be eligible to receive one under the universal broadband service, with these connections being built without additional customer contributions up to a cost threshold of £3,400.81% of Scotland’s landmass has access to good 4G coverage from at least one of the mobile operators (up from 80% in 2019) but only 44% has coverage from all 4 operators. The UK Government’s Shared Rural Network programme agreed in March 2020 and the Scottish Government’s S4GI programme will extend coverage beyond this in the coming years.
  • 81% of homes and businesses in Scotland should be able to get good indoor 4G coverage from all operators (up from 79% in 2019), with 96% of rural premises able to receive a service from at least one operator.
  • We estimate that around 10,650 premises in Scotland cannot access either a decent fixed broadband service or get good 4G coverage indoors.
  • The number of towns and cities with 5G coverage in Scotland has increased further, with 7% of the 3,000 sites across the UK being in Scotland.

Connected Nations 2020: Scotland (PDF, 2.7 MB)

Mae'r Adroddiad Cysylltu'r Gwledydd diweddaraf ar gyfer Cymru yn dangos, dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf:

  • Yn gyffredinol, mae rhwydweithiau sefydlog a symudol y DU wedi ymdopi’n dda er gwaethaf y galw cynyddol sydd arnynt yn sgil Covid-19. Oherwydd bod rhagor o bobl gartref, roedd rhagor o alw ar rwydweithiau band eang yn ystod y dydd, er mai gyda’r nos oedd yr oriau brig o hyd. Roedd rhwydweithiau symudol hefyd wedi gweld cynnydd mewn traffig llais.
  • Mae gan 19% (265,400) o gartrefi yng Nghymru fynediad at gysylltiadau ffeibr llawn – cynnydd o 7 pwynt canran ers 2019 ac mae hyn yn uwch na chyfartaledd y DU. Mae gan 265,400 o gartrefi fynediad at gysylltiad band eang sy’n gallu delio â gigabits – sy’n gallu darparu cyflymder llwytho i lawr o hyd at 1 Gbit yr eiliad yn ogystal â chyflymder llwytho i fyny cyflymach, ac sy’n fwy dibynadwy na thechnolegau band eang hŷn. O blith y rhain, mae 60,205 mewn ardaloedd gwledig.
  • Mae’r ddarpariaeth band eang cyflym iawn yng Nghymru wedi cynyddu i 94% o gartrefi, i fyny o 93% y llynedd.
  • Mae nifer yr adeiladau heb fynediad at fand eang teilwng o leiaf yn dal yn isel.  Gan gyfri’r ddarpariaeth gan rwydweithiau sefydlog a rhwydweithiau di-wifr sefydlog, rydym yn amcangyfrif bod tua 18,000 o adeiladau yn dal heb gysylltiad band eang teilwng ac y gallent fod yn gymwys i gael un o dan y gwasanaeth band eang cyffredinol.
  • Mae deg gwaith yn fwy o orsafoedd sylfaen rhwydweithiau symudol sy’n darparu gwasanaethau 5G bellach – tua 3,000 ledled y DU. Ychydig dros 8% o safleoedd symudol trefol sydd wedi cael eu huwchraddio i gynnwys gwasanaeth 5G. Mae 3% o’r safleoedd 5G wedi’u lleoli yng Nghymru, 3% yng Ngogledd Iwerddon, 7% yn yr Alban ac 87% yn Lloegr. Mae’r rhaniad hwn yn adlewyrchu’n fras dosbarthiad cenedlaethol yr holl draffig symudol ar draws y DU.
  • Mae darpariaeth symudol yn sefydlog ar y cyfan. Mae 90% o Gymru yn gallu cael darpariaeth 4G ddaearyddol dda gan o leiaf un o’r gweithredwyr symudol ac mae 60% yn cael darpariaeth gan bob un o’r 4 gweithredwr.
  • Mae gwasanaethau llais a thestun da gan bob un o’r pedwar gweithredwr ar gael ar draws 78% o ehangdir Cymru. Mae 5% o ehangdir Cymru yn fannau cwbl ddigyswllt o ran gwasanaethau llais a thestun. Bydd y rhaglen Rhwydwaith Gwledig a Rennir, y cytunwyd arni ym mis Mawrth 2020, yn gwella’r ddarpariaeth yn hyn o beth erbyn 2025.
  • Rydym yn amcangyfrif nad yw 0.6% (9,000) o adeiladau’n gallu cael mynediad at wasanaeth band eang sefydlog teilwng na chael darpariaeth 4G dda dan do, ac mae bron bob un o’r adeiladau hyn mewn ardaloedd gwledig.

Cysylltu'r Gwledydd 2020: Adroddiad Cymru

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

The latest Connected Nations report for Northern Ireland shows:

  • Four hundred and twenty-two thousand homes (56%) in Northern Ireland now have access to full-fibre broadband connections; over 190,000 more than last year. These connections can deliver much higher download speeds and are also more reliable than older, copper-based broadband. Among the four UK nations, Northern Ireland (56%) has the highest availability of full fibre services, compared to England (16%), Scotland (17%) and Wales (19%).
  • Superfast broadband (at least 30 Mbit/s) is available to 89% of premises in Northern Ireland, unchanged from last year.
  • The average download speed delivered to premises in Northern Ireland is 64 Mbit/s. This has increased from 55 Mbit/s in 2019 and reflects increasing availability of faster broadband services.
  • Average monthly broadband data use in Northern Ireland has gone up from 322 GB per connection in 2019, to 444 GB in 2020.
  • Good 4G services from all four operators are available (outdoor) across 79% of the Northern Ireland landmass while voice services from all four operators are available to 87% of the Northern Ireland landmass (outdoor).
  • 4G services from all four operators are available in 65% of premises while voice services from all operators are available in 81% of premises in Northern Ireland.
  • In-vehicle 4G coverage is available on 58% of Northern Ireland’s major roads from all operators while voice services from all operators are available on around three quarters of major roads (74%).

Connected Nations 2020: Northern Ireland (PDF, 2.2 MB)

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