Cyfryngau'r Genedl 2018

Cyhoeddwyd: 15 Mai 2019

Dyma adroddiad Cyfryngau'r Genedl: Cymru cyntaf Ofcom.

Mae'r adroddiad yn adolygu patrymau allweddol yn y sector teledu a chlyweledol yn ogystal â’r diwydiant radio a sain yng Nghymru.

Mae’n rhoi cyd-destun i waith Ofcom yn hyrwyddo buddiannau defnyddwyr a dinasyddion yn y marchnadoedd rydym yn eu rheoleiddio.

Cyfryngau'r Genedl: adroddiadau

Key findings from the Wales Media Nations 2018 report. Half of homes had a satellite TV service. 37% of adults use BBC iPlayer, the most popular on-demand/streaming service in Wales. On average people spent 3 hours 43 minutes per day watching TV in 2017. BBC and ITV spent £29m on original content for Wales in 2017, an 8% increase year on year in real terms. There were 77 radio stations broadcasting on DAB in March 2018. 90% of adults listen to the radio every week. Wales v Ireland in the Six Nations was the most-viewed TB programme in 2017. Norabled 2017 PSB productions include Bargain Hunt, Doctor Who and One Born Every Minute. 72% of regular or occasional PSB viewers claimed to be satisfied with PSB broadcasting in 2017. Ownership of DAB radio sets dropped slightly to 56% despite continuing to increase across the rest of the UK.

  • Yn 2017 treuliodd pobl Cymru 3 awr 43 munud y dydd ar gyfartaledd yn gwylio teledu wedi’i ddarlledu, a oedd 17 munud yn llai nag yn 2016
  • Roedd 8% o gynnydd termau real mewn gwariant ar raglenni ar gyfer gwylwyr yng Nghymru gan y BBC ac ITV yn 2017
  • Mae gan dros hanner cartrefi Cymru (50.4%) wasanaeth teledu lloeren
  • Roedd gan saith o bob deg o wylwyr darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn fodlon â chynnwys darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn 2017
  • Mae gwrando ar radio digidol yn dal i dyfu yng Nghymru

Summary of findings from the UK Media Nations report. Viewing to broadcasting television on the TV set declined by a further 9 minutes in 2017 to an average 3 hour 22 minutes per day. 52% of househoulds connect their TV to the internet in the last 12 months via a smart TV or connected device. £2.5bn record low spend on originated content by PSBs. Over 39% UK households now take at least on subscription in-demand service. 75% of regular or occcasional PSB viewers are satisfied with PSB broadcasting in 2017. A third of all SVoD programme viewing is to SVoD original productions. 16-34 year olds view 59 minutes of YouTube per day on a device other than a headset. 19% of viewers have seen something offensive on television. 56% consider that the PSBs fairly represent the whole of the UK. On average, all individuals spend 71% of their viewing time on broadcast content whereas 16-34 year-olds spend 46% on broadcast content. Commercial radio revenues grew by 1% in real terms between 2016 and 2017 to £557m. Over 50% of all radio listening hours are now through a digital platform.

  • Take-up of superfast broadband and connected televisions is changing how people watch television programmes
  • The rise of online video is changing the picture for the TV industry
  • Audiences continue to watch and value public service broadcasting, especially news, children’s programming and UK-made programmes
  • But there are risks to the PSB system which we will continue to monitor
  • The viability of local TV services remains uncertain
  • Digital listening is transforming the radio landscape
  • But radio continues to be resilient

Media Nations: UK (PDF, 5.6 MB)

Key findings from the Northern Ireland Media Nations 2018 report. 39% of homes had a satellite TV service. 29% of adults used Netflix, the most popular on-demand/streaming service in Northern Ireland. On average people spent 3 hours 18 minutes per day watching TV in 2017. BBC and UTV spent £29m on orifinal content for Northern Ireland in 2017, an 11% decrease year on year in real terms. There were 52 radio stations broadcasting on DAB in MArch 2018. I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! was the most viewed TV programme in 2017. Notable 2017 PSB productions include Wanted Down Under, Line of Duty, and The World's Most Expensive Cars. 93% of adults listen to the radio every week. 69% of regular or occasional PSB viewers claimed to be satisfed with PSB broadcasting in 2017. Ownership of DAB radio sets has increased year-on-year from 38% to 50%.

  • In 2017 people in Northern Ireland spent an average of 3 hours 19 minutes per day watching broadcast television, down 17 minutes since 2016
  • Spend by the BBC on programming for Northern Ireland fell by 14% in 2017
  • Digital terrestrial television is the most popular TV platform in Northern Ireland
  • Nearly 70% of PSB viewers were satisfied with PSB provision in 2017
  • Digital radio listening is growing, but at 35% of all listening, it is much lower than in the UK as a whole

Media Nations: Northern Ireland (PDF, 2.6 MB)

Key findings from the Scotland Media Nations 2018 report. 39% of homes had a satellite TV service. 47% of adults use BBC iPlayer, the most popular on-demand/streaming service in Scotland. On average people spent 3 hours 46 minutes per day watching TV in 2017. BBC, STV and ITV spent £54m on original content for Scotland in 2017, an 8% increase year on year in real terms. There were 116 radio stations broadcasting on DAB in March 2018. 88% of adults listen to the radio every week. Strictly Come Dancing was the most-viewed TV programme in 2017. Notable 2017 PSB productions include Homes Under the Hammer, Fifteen to One, and Eden. 71% of regular or occasional PSB viewers claimed to be satisfied with PSB broadcasting in 2017. Ownership of DAB radio sets reached 66%, higher than any other UK nation.

  • Despite a decline in time spent viewing broadcast TV, people in Scotland watched more than any other UK nation in 2017
  • There was an 8% real-terms decline in spend on new programming for viewers in Scotland in 2017
  • Scotland had the highest take-up of cable TV in the UK in Q1 2018
  • Viewers in Scotland continue to value public service broadcasting content, with 71% either satisfied or very satisfied
  • Digital listening grows: ownership of DAB radios is higher in Scotland than in the rest of the UK

Media Nations: Scotland (PDF, 7.5 MB)

Adroddiad rhyngweithiol

Mae'r adroddiad data isod yn rhoi mynediad rhyngweithiol i ystod eang o ddata. Nodwch fod yr adroddiad hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Media Nations: Interactive report

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