Accessibility of on-demand programme services – statement

Published: 3 August 2016
Consultation closes: 25 October 2016
Status: Closed (statement published)

Statement published 6 April 2017

This document reports on Ofcom’s decisions to alter the way it collects and publishes data on the accessibility of on-demand programme services (“ODPS”) for people with hearing and/or sight impairments.

It also sets out Ofcom’s plans more generally for meeting its duties to:

a) encourage providers of ODPS to ensure their services are progressively made more accessible to people with hearing and/or sight impairments; and

b) ensure that providers of ODPS promote programmes of European origin, known as ‘European works’.

Statement: Accessibility of on-demand programme services (PDF, 489.9 KB)

Have a look at this year's report on the accessibility of on-demand programme services. You can also see the Accessibility of on-demand programme services – interactive data or the accessibility-on-demand-report-annex-4 (XLSX, 37.43 KB).

Contact information

VOD Access Services Consultation
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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