Consultation: Promoting competition and investment in fibre networks – BT Regulatory Financial Reporting

Published: 6 February 2020
Consultation closes: 22 May 2020
Status: Closed (pending statement)

On 8 January 2020, we published the consultation for our Wholesale Fixed Telecoms Market Review (WFTMR). This document sets out our proposed regulatory financial reporting requirements on BT in relation to the markets covered by the WFTMR. BT’s regulatory reporting would be subject to these requirements from April 2021 for five years.

Our proposals cover the preparation and presentation of information published by BT, and information provided privately to Ofcom. Our proposals would ensure that BT’s reporting requirements remain fit for purpose while making the published information more accessible and easier to understand.

We will publish our decision statement before April 2021.

This review does not cover the Hull area, which will be subject to a separate consultation.

Update 30 April 2020 – extended deadline for responses

The original deadline for responses to these proposals was 1 April 2020, but with the coronavirus pandemic bringing significant challenges to the telecoms industry, we announced on 24 March that all consultation deadlines had been suspended until further notice.

Since then, we have remained in close contact with industry. Many companies have adapted to new ways of working and have a clearer picture of their capacity to contribute to this review. We are therefore confident that stakeholders should be in a position to finalise their responses shortly.

We are now accepting responses to the consultation up to 22 May 2020, including any new information which organisations that have already responded wish to provide.

As part of our approach to regulation in the wake of the coronavirus, we have suspended all existing consultation deadlines. This consultation will remain open until further notice.

To give stakeholders more time to consider our proposals, we are today extending the deadline for responses to 24 April 2020.

Contact information

Financial Economics
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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