Statement: Promoting competition in fibre networks – Hull Area Wholesale Fixed Telecoms Market Review 2021-26

Published: 16 July 2020
Consultation closes: 24 September 2020
Status: Closed (statement published)

Statement published 28 October 2021

This statement sets out how Ofcom has decided to regulate the fixed telecoms that underpin broadband, mobile and business connections markets in the Hull Area.

Broadband consumers already benefit from the availability of KCOM’s full-fibre network, which delivers a future-proofed gigabit-capable network to homes and businesses in the Hull Area. However, KCOM has retained a near monopoly at both the wholesale and retail level. On the residential broadband market, this has resulted in less retail choice and higher retail prices than the rest of the UK.

We have improved our regulation to encourage providers to enter the market and compete with KCOM. The evidence shows there is now a better prospect of market entry in the Hull Area, which ultimately should result in more retail choice and lower retail prices.

Our decisions today follow a thorough consultation process and takes account of the responses we have received.

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