Billing and charges

Published: 19 July 2023
Last updated: 31 January 2025

Ofcom wants to make sure everyone gets the best from their phone and broadband services.

We cannot handle individual complaints

We understand how frustrating it can be when things go wrong.

That’s why we have improved the way phone and broadband providers deal with your complaints.

To get help with your individual problems, follow these steps:

  1. Contact your provider’s customer services department and explain your problem.
  2. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, make a formal complaint to the company. You should find details of how to do this on the back of your bill, on their website or by asking customer services.
  3. If your provider is unable to resolve your complaint, ask for a deadlock letter. This allows you to take your complaint to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme.

ADR schemes act as an independent middleman. They will examine the case from both sides and reach a decision they think is fair.

If eight weeks have passed since you first formally complained you can contact the ADR scheme directly. There are two ADR schemes: the Communications and Internet Services Adjudication Scheme (CISAS) and Communications Ombudsman. All providers must belong to one of the schemes. Your provider will tell you which scheme it is a member of, or you can use our ADR checker.

Tell Ofcom

If you’ve had billing problems, let us know by filling out our short monitoring form.

Although we don’t investigate individual complaints, your help in highlighting problems plays a vital part in our work and we might investigate a company if monitoring data reveals a particular problem.

Low-income tariffs

If your problem is with BT Basic or Kingston Communications’ social access package, complain to your provider.

If this does not resolve the problem, contact Ofcom’s Consumer Contact Team on 0300 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040. If you want to complain in Welsh, call 020 7981 3042.

Premium rate services

Premium rate numbers generally begin with 09, 118, 0871, 0872 and 0873.

Mobile text shortcode numbers – the five- and six-digit numbers that you can use to enter text competitions, give to charity via your mobile, download mobile games, etc. – are also considered premium rate.

If you’re concerned about a particular premium rate service, or the way it has been advertised, complain to Ofcom.

Debt collection Debt collectors are licensed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

If you believe a collection agency isn’t playing by the rules, tell them. If you’re still concerned, you can get advice from Citizens Advice

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