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Ofcom appoints new Online Safety Policy Director

Published: 3 April 2023
Last updated: 31 May 2023

Almudena Lara has been appointed as Ofcom’s Online Safety Policy Director, and will co-lead our new Online Safety Policy Development unit, which plays a central role in our work to help people live a safer life online. Almudena-Lara

Almudena brings almost 20 years’ experience gained across the private, public, regulatory and charity sectors.

She joins us from Google, where in her role as global lead on child safety public policy she led work creating regulatory frameworks to offer safer and more age-appropriate experiences for children, including from sexual abuse and exploitation.

Prior to her role at Google Almudena worked at the NSPCC, where she led its public policy team and championed legal reform to help bring about better protections for children.

Ofcom’s Online Safety Policy Development unit leads on developing and implementing policy and regulatory tools relating to online safety and video-sharing platforms.

Its work focuses on the main types of online harm and risk areas, helping to make sure the right rules and resources are in place to protect people from them. The unit sits within our wider Online Safety group led by Gill Whitehead, who was appointed Online Safety Group Director in 2022.

Almudena joins Ofcom as we continue to strengthen our expertise in online safety, ahead of taking on new powers in this area after being appointed as the regulator for online safety in the UK.

Almudena said: “Technology is a key part of children’s lives and Ofcom will play a critical role in ensuring that they are protected from harm.

“I’m thrilled to join this talented team and contribute to improving children’s experiences online.”

Gill Whitehead added: “I am delighted to welcome Almudena to Ofcom and to the leadership team of our new Online Safety Group.

“Almudena brings highly relevant expertise, passion and leadership experience, and she joins an excellent set of colleagues who are focused on helping to make online lives safer for children.

Almudena joins Ofcom in June 2023.

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