Online safety regulators from around the world have today outlined their vision for how international regulatory approaches to online safety can be more coherent and coordinated.
The Global Online Safety Regulators Network brings together 18 regulators and observers from five continents. The Network has today published its second position statement (PDF, 379.1 KB) on how regulators will work together to address the global nature of online safety regulation.
Earlier this month, Ofcom published it's draft guidance on protecting children online in the UK. However, we recognise that neither the risks children face online nor the online services they use are confined to national or continental borders. For those reasons, we - and our international partners - are working on developing our regulatory capability and approaches, to achieve the outcomes set out in our respective online safety rules and make a safer life online for children everywhere.
Although our regulatory regimes differ in some ways, our frameworks are similar in several key respects.
By mapping the similarities in our regulatory remits, the Network has identified opportunities in multiple areas to pursue coherence between our respective regimes. These include:
- Regulatory tools: We will aim to develop common metrics for our risk assessment methodologies and evaluation approaches, to minimise unwarranted divergences between them.
- User complaints: Those of us collecting user complaints will share our experience and evidence. Where there are instances of systemic non-compliance across jurisdictions, the Network might consider working more closely on investigations and enforcement action.
- Information requests: We will aim to produce more comparable global data that better informs our trend analysis, by coordinating in relation to the types of questions we ask of industry as part of our regulatory activities.
- Safety measures: We will aim to identify a common set of reasonable steps services can take to address specific harms and risk factors by drawing on our experiences of good practice.
This is an important step forward for the Network and for our mission to create a safer life online wherever people use the internet. Today we have set out new joint activities and workstreams that will enable a more coherent international regulatory landscape, benefitting users and companies who seek to comply.
Gill Whitehead, Network Chair and Ofcom’s Online Safety Group Director
The Network is also continuing to grow, having recently welcomed the Council for Media Services, Slovakia’s media regulator, as a new member and the Family Online Safety Institute as a new Observer.
Notes to editors:
The Global Online Safety Regulators Network is a collaboration between the first movers in online safety regulation. The Network paves the way for a coherent international approach to online safety regulation, by enabling online safety regulators to share insights, experience and best practices.
Current Network members include:
Members share a commitment to act independently of commercial and political influence and adhere to objective criteria for respect for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. The Network is also open to observers – specifically organisations that have expertise and interest with online safety regulation and who wish to follow and engage with the Network.
Current observers include:
- 5Rights – Global
- Canadian Centre for Child Protection – Canada
- Department of Canadian Heritage – Canada
- European Parliament Intergroup on Children’s Rights – EU
- Family Online Safety Institute – Global
- Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter e.V. (FSM) – Germany
- INHOPE – Global
- Netsafe – New Zealand
- Te Mana Whakaatu | Classification Office – New Zealand
- WeProtect Global Alliance – Global
For further information about the Global Online Safety Regulators Network please contact the current Chair, Ofcom at ofcom.international@ofcom.org.uk.