Ofcom is conducting an equality impact assessment on its procurement policies as part of its commitments in its Equality Scheme and under s75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The procurement policies which apply to the organisation in Great Britain also apply to its operations in Northern Ireland.
The report identifies as far as possible the impact of the policies on the nine different equality groups in Northern Ireland.
Ofcom conforms to the normal public sector standards of procurement with established procedures and procurement control limits in compliance with the relevant legislation to ensure transparency and fairness of treatment. The results of the initial equality impact review of the policy in Northern Ireland as analysed by location of suppliers, suggests strongly that the current policy does not operate in such a way as to have a detrimental impact on groups of different religious belief or political opinion.
There was also no evidence from this initial review to suggest that the policy had a negative impact on any other equality category covered by s75: sex, marital status, race, disability, age, sexual orientation or dependency status. There was also no evidence from this initial review of a negative impact on good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial background in relation to the procurement policy.
In Section 5 suggestions for further enhancing the promotion of equality through Ofcom's procurement policies have been made.
Those with an interest in these policies are invited to comment on how they believe the procurement policies may be further enhanced to promote equality. Ofcom will consider all responses as part of the equality impact assessment process.