As the UK's communications regulator, Ofcom has a number of duties designed to ensure disabled people have fair access to electronic communications. These include setting and monitoring targets for television access services (subtitling, audio description and signing) and encouraging the availability of easy to use equipment. In telecommunications we regulate the text relay service, which enables deaf people and hearing people to communicate with each other. We are also working with telecoms providers to make new and existing telecoms services and technology accessible to disabled people.
This Disability Action Plan is an important document in that it is a statement of Ofcom's commitment to and proposals for fulfilling the statutory obligations in compliance with Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended by the Disability Discrimination (NI) Order 2006). This Act places duties on public authorities, when carrying out their functions in Northern Ireland to have due regard to the need to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people; and to encourage participation by disabled people in public life.
The Plan is also important because it outlines how disability issues can be more effectively mainstreamed within Ofcom, thus ensuring that they are a key consideration in the whole range of policy decision-making within the organisation.
The document is presented for consultation with disabled groups and individuals in Northern Ireland, to determine if it should be changed to better reflect their concerns before the final version of the revised Disability Action Plan is adopted. We would therefore welcome any comments on the Plan before the end of February 2010.