Supplying Ofcom

Published: 24 June 2010
Last updated: 15 January 2025

This page provides information about Ofcom’s approach to procurement and how potential suppliers can access tendering opportunities.

Ofcom procures in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations (PCRs), in addition to all other relevant legislation and regulations and its own policies and procedures. The Commercial Team ensures that value for money is achieved for the organisation when contracting with third parties whilst minimising commercial and legal risk.

This is underpinned by clear and robust procurement processes.

Procurement Act 2023

New procurement regulations will come into effect on 24 February 2025. The Procurement Act 2023 will introduce measures to improve and streamline the way procurement is done and benefit prospective suppliers of all sizes, particularly small businesses, start-ups and social enterprises.

All new, in-scope requirements that Ofcom procures from this date, will be subject to the new rules unless they are procured from existing framework agreements that will continue to operate under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 until their expiry. Existing contracts will be unaffected.

Cabinet Office have produced guidance and are holding webinars to provide more information for organisations that supply public sector organisations. More information can be found on their dedicated Information and Guidance for Suppliers webpage.

Procurement Approach

Ofcom uses a broad range of suppliers, including SMEs, appointed following suitable competitive tendering processes. Table 1 summarises the threshold approach taken to manage the procurement process, ensuring fairness, transparency, value for money and adherence to Ofcom procurement rules and the PCRs. Ofcom is committed to ensuring potential suppliers are given equality of opportunity to compete for Ofcom’s business.

Procurement Thresholds

Value Threshold

£0 - £1,000 These requirements are procured by the business and do not require the input of the Commercial Team. One written quote should be obtained where possible.
£1,001 - £29,999 These requirements are procured by the business and generally do not require the input of the Commercial Team. A minimum of three written quotes must be obtained using Ofcom’s standard Request for Quote (RFQ) process wherever possible. This does not apply to requirements that are procured under any of Ofcom’s framework agreements as these are conducted under a defined mini competition process regardless of the expected total cost.
£30,000 - £99,999 A competition is usually conducted following an Invitation to Tender (ITT) process but may also be via an Ofcom framework or other framework (e.g. procured by the Crown Commercial Service or another public body). The process is managed by the Commercial Team with input from the business.
£100,00 and above All procurements over £100,000 are led by the Commercial Team, with input from the business. A competition is usually conducted following an Invitation to Tender (ITT) process but may also be via an Ofcom framework or other framework (e.g. procured by the Crown Commercial Service or another public body). Procurements for supplies and services over £214,904 (including VAT) are likely to be subject to a regulated procurement process.

Working with us

As a contracting authority, we expect our suppliers (and their sub-contractors) to:

  • share our approach to corporate responsibility and commitment to equality and diversity through their policies, principles and actions;
  • understand and comply (or have plans for compliance) with all legislation relevant to their business (and their interactions with our organisation) covering such matters as environmental protection, discrimination, employment, minimum wage, health and safety, modern slavery/human trafficking in the supplier chain, equality of treatment for all the diversity strands including making reasonable adjustments for disabled workers and to have policies, where appropriate, and to actively monitor performance against such policies;
  • communicate openly and honestly with us so we can support and develop our mutual commitment to corporate responsibility; and
  • manage their suppliers of products and services responsibly.

To support this, we have developed a code of conduct (PDF, 281.2 KB) which sets out our expectations of our suppliers and how we’d like to work together.

Modern Slavery

Ofcom is committed to continually improving its policies and practices to play our part in tackling the serious issue of modern slavery. We do not tolerate slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chains. We assess our contracts to identify risks and if any are found, we will work with our suppliers to monitor and manage them effectively. We publish an annual modern slavery statement to demonstrate our progress against these commitments.

Modern Slavery Statement

Environmental Policy

Ofcom understands that we are in challenging times in terms of global environmental impacts. We all have a part to play in addressing threats to our planet’s natural systems and biodiversity. Ofcom is therefore committed to assessing, understanding and improving its environmental performance including via the delivery of contracted supplies and services.

Environmental policy

Online Tendering system

Ofcom conducts its procurement process through an eSourcing portal which is hosted by Jaggaer (BravoSolution). Your organisation will be required to register on this portal to participate in procurement processes.

Online tendering system

Ofcom’s eSourcing Portal is hosted by BravoSolution. Your organisation will require prior registration (only once).

Guide to the eSourcing Portal

Current tender opportunities

Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract

Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract for Services

Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract for Goods

Standard Terms and Conditions of Contract for Services and Goods

Contact us

Should you have any queries please email us:

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