Environmental sustainability

Published: 7 March 2023

How Ofcom is working to become a more environmentally sustainable organisation.

We believe that it is important to reduce the impact of our business on the environment. Leading by example, we want to:

  • help reduce the UK’s overall carbon emissions, in line with the Government's Net Zero Strategy;
  • adopt and promote sustainable practices wherever we can.

Our work so far

Ofcom has tried to cut our carbon emissions in different ways over the years, but in light of the climate emergency, we felt that we could do more. In the last year, we have:

  • adopted a new environmental policy, which demonstrates our commitment to reducing our impact;
  • obtained ISO14001:2015 accreditation (Environmental Management System), helping us take a more systematic approach to improving our environmental performance;
  • continued to meet the Greening Government Commitments; and
  • created a Green Champions Network, so that colleagues can contribute to Ofcom's net zero efforts and hold the organisation to account.

Ofcom understands that we are in challenging times in terms of global environmental impacts. We all have a part to play in addressing threats to our planet natural systems and biodiversity. Ofcom is committed to assessing, understanding, and finally improving its environmental performance.

As part of this commitment, we will develop, implement and maintain a compliant ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System (EMS).


  1. Where relevant to our operations, we will comply with environmental legislation and adopt Government policies on Environmental best practices. We will provide appropriate employee training for our staff, ensuring we adequately manage and mitigate our environmental risks and take advantage of any environmental opportunities.
  2. We are committed to preventing pollution and to minimising the environmental impact, for the life cycle (including disposal) of: materials, products, vehicles, equipment, and any other physical assets under our control.
  3. We will put adequate controls in place to protect the environment from any significant environmental aspects and impacts arising from our operations.
  4. We will ensure suitable resources are in place to monitor, maintain and audit compliance of our Environmental Management System standards and commitments.
  5. We will ensure that this policy is published, made available and communicated to all interested parties (including staff, contractors and suppliers).
  6. We will set environmental objectives and targets and review them regularly to ensure continual improvement of our environmental performance and strive to eliminate our negative environmental impacts.


  1. Our Operations Board will be responsible for the strategic delivery of this policy within our organisation.
  2. We will maintain clear roles and responsibilities around environmental management to ensure this policy and our commitments are adequately supported and embedded within Ofcom.
  3. This Policy is subject to an annual review by Ofcom’s Operations Board.

Next steps

We will maintain our Environmental Management System and continue to find new ways to reduce our impact on the environment.

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