Annual Plan 2014/15: Invitation to Comment

Published: 26 September 2013
Consultation closes: 24 October 2013
Status: Closed (pending statement)

Ofcom is the UK's communications regulator. We regulate the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services and the airwaves over which wireless communications devices operate and television/radio services are broadcast.

Ofcom's Annual Plan includes our priorities and work programme for the coming year. We are now starting work on our Plan for the twelve months from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015. The Annual Plan plays an important role in providing clarity to stakeholders for the year ahead.

In the 2013/14 Annual plan we said we would invite stakeholders to identify key areas for focus in the coming year before we start to compile the Draft document. This is the first time we will be seeking input at this stage. We hope that by doing so we will be able to improve our ability to reflect relevant stakeholder views in our Draft Annual Plan.

Specifically, we would like early views on:

  • potential changes to Ofcom's overall strategic approaches and purposes, outlined in last year's Annual Plan;
  • the issues and areas that should form Ofcom's priorities or major work areas in 2014/15; and
  • any specific areas for deregulation or simplification.

We encourage those with an interest in Ofcom's work to respond to this invitation to comment by 24 October 2013. Views expressed will be used to inform our Draft Annual Plan consultation, which will seek views on specific proposals for priorities, major work areas and programmatic work for 2014/15. This will be published for consultation in December 2013.

We expect to publish our final Annual Plan statement in March 2014.


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